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Small business bookkeeping (CE-EN 4)

Members only - language: English

This training equips NGO staff with basic knowledge on small business bookkeeping to enable them to help their beneficiaries with their accounts, profit calculation, anticipating cash flow needs and how to improve their management in order to to be able to make a living from their business.
  • soon available
  • Welcome
  • What do you know about accounting ?
  • 1) BASICS
  • Why bookkeeping matters
  • Separating personal and business
  • Tracking techniques
  • Bookkeeping methods
  • Business cycles
  • Test on unit 1
  • 2) Simple bookkeeping
  • Recording sales & purchases
  • Recording customers' credit & suppliers' debt
  • Recording loans
  • Calculating profit
  • Recording personal loans & own salary
  • Recording non-cash (digital) money
  • Test on unit 2
  • 3) Detailed bookkeeping
  • Recording sales & purchases
  • Recording customers' credit & suppliers' debt
  • Recording loans
  • Calculating profit
  • Recording personal loans & own salary
  • Recording non-cash (digital) money
  • Test on unit 3
  • Part 1 assignment
  • 4) Using bookkeeping to manage cash flow
  • Anticipating payments
  • Making family members pay
  • How much can we pay ourselves?
  • Managing inventory
  • Improving profit
  • Expanding our business
  • Business ethics
  • Test on unit 4
  • Final assignment
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever